Thursday, September 16, 2010

Quick note re: Today (Thursday), & Yesterday & Tomorrow...Oh, & Monday! :)

Hello--Just a quick note.  It is now Thursday.  That was written yesterday.  I want to thank you all for your prayers and concern.  I am able to sit up a bit so far today...but I can tell it won't be for long.  I am certain that between Dave and I...and my super fantastic friend, Wendy...who has made everything possible on this blog, by setting it up, making all of the spots, putting together the art...AND, showing me how to do going to help me learn some more this afternoon!  She has a blog on the side bar.  She is so super talented.  It is called "Wonderfully Wicked Creations!"  (Don't scary, wicked stuff.)

So, Please stop by tomorrow to see if you or a friend is the He IS Able,
"Card of the Week Winner!"  And, take a peek at the cards I have made this week.  There aren't that many, since I am still recovering.

Spiritually and Emotionally...I feel wonderful!  I feel like a Child of God should feel, and I am aware of how not to lose my step in my walk with the Lord!  I just hope you EACH, individually know how much I appreciate you!

If you stopped by on Wednesday, and you emailed me or left me a comment about my situation, please email me your address, even if I have it.  It is important, to me.  I need your address...not for a He IS Able donated card, but I would personally love to send you a card.  Even if I have your address, please send it to me. This way the people who aren't willing to receive a card from me, will simply not send me your address.  Then, I know you don't want it.  I really want to share with you, personally.  I learned a lot...from you!

Oh, I noticed we are still at number 47 in our "Google Followers," if you are willing, please share this blog info with people you know.  Christian or not.  The higher that number goes, the more people hearing about Jesus Christ and His Love, His Word and His GIFT of Salvation!  Let's get up to 50 people by Monday!  Can we do it?  I think we can.

May God  bless you!

He IS Able,
Traci S.


Hi Everyone~

I can not thank you each enough for the moving and Biblically based answers you shared with me through my crisis.  The crisis was all around me, but I feel that I am back.  I thank you and the Dear Lord for sticking with me through this difficult time for me.  I take things so seriously...even SCRABBLE!  (Did you know all languages are capitalized?  I didn't!) 

Anyway, it is 12:45 eastern time.  I sincerely apologize, but i can not really write today.  I am in the most severe pain I have been in for months.  I can see a tiny bit out of my left eye...from the migraine, and besides my usually chronic pain.  I popped my left shoulder out of place this morning!  It HURT BIG time!  I popped it back in.  However, it hurts so much.  I am, however, back to myself.  The black clouds are gone from me, and anything dark has been banished (several times!) 

I realized that I don't pray for myself anymore...except for forgiveness, or big problems.  I don't pray for my health any more.  I changed that yesterday.

I will announce the winner on Friday, I sincerely apologize for this week's weird writings. Friday, I will  happily show the few cards I made this week.  Thanks be to God for providing for me, and letting me have this hobby that I love to use to honor Him.

I would love to send each of you that responded to my crisis on Monday, with one of my personal stash cards.   Please allow me to do this. In able to make it easier for people to decline a card I have started this: Please email me your address if you are willing to receive a card from me...even if you know I have it!  If you don't want to receive a card for whatever reason, simply don't send me your email. Almost no questions asked!  No, seriously, no hard feelings.  I would like to be able to do this. Please consider allowing me.  I will keep your addresses confidential, of course.  Thank you all for your help, and for understanding about today.  You wouldn't imagine how long I have been working on just this!

Friday...Card Winner and "Cards to See from Me!"

"God is Good!"  He is!  Please think about that...WOW!

He IS Able,
Traci S.

Please invite your friends or family to visit or sign up as a "Follower."  If I am not up to things on Friday, I will ask Dave to type it up for me!
(He's at an interview now.)  And, there won't be any scary sharings for me for at least a while, I hope!  lol


  1. Traci, I pray that you get well soon. I do know one thing for sure--HE IS ABLE!! May God bless you with a supernatural healing. (((hugs)))

  2. When we are weak than the strength from the Lord is there for us and He gets all the glory. Don't neglect petitioning the Lord for your self. It is ok. Our Heavenly Father delights in His children and loves us so much.
    Praying for your improved health today. GOD IS ABLE!

  3. You are in my prayers ~
    Hugs and Blessings,



Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts, ideas,prayer requests and comments! We love to read them all! And, if you had a prayer request, the Prayer Team will begin praying for your needs today. God Bless!