Monday, November 15, 2010

Fear or Fear Not because He is with us? Read on...

Hi Everyone~

Dave and I went away this weekend.  My Dad's 70th birthday was on Veteran's Day.  (Thank you to all of ourVets and their families for everything you have done for us!)  My mother, 2 sisters, brother and his wife and one of my nieces, and Dave and I went to a beautiful island off Florida's shore.  My Dad was surprised by the whole thing!  (Hopefully! I am writing this Friday night! It's before the weekend!)  We all stayed in 2 big connecting-suites at a resort, brought every game we have ever played, and tried to find out everything we ever thought we would want to know about our Dad!  We haven't all gone on a trip together in many, many moons...I'm sure it was a blast!  I'll let you know the details on Wednesday!

Today's Scriptures are: 

Exodus 33:14  "My Presence will go with you, and I will give your rest."

"Fear not, for I am with you; do not look around in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God."  Isaiah 41:10

Last week we learned about how we can never feel alone again.  We also learned about how to have peace that only comes from knowing and resting in Jesus Christ.  Today we are going to read about how we can count on God's presence in our quiet moments.

Let's look at what the Devotional, Quiet Moments in the Presence of God, by Bethany House has written about this:

It tells us that ..."Time after time in Holy Scripture, God promises He will be present when you intentionally draw aside to meet Him.  God's presence is everywhere in the stories of the Bible.  God makes the promise of His presence, and He keeps that promise.  You can stand on the promise of God's presence to be with you.

God will make himself known to you as a living and bright reality.  He will be at your side and will abide there in love and grace.  He will move into your heart to embrace your life and guide your way.  God is present to your needs.

God promises to take up daily residence in your heart."

"You wisely and tenderly lead me, and then you bless me."  Psalm 73:24

Is the thought that He is always with you a pleasant thought, or a scary one?  When you stop to think about it do you feel like you need to be on best behavior because He is right there with you?  I hope so.  Do you hear from the Holy Spirit when you are about to sin...big or small?  The Lord always gives us a way out of sinning.  Just listen to that voice you hear--the first time.  Don't wait until you are already sinning to try to stop.  It is difficult. 

Think of smoking.  I don't smoke.  I used to smoke when I was a younger adult, and didn't know the Lord.  It is easier not to start smoking, than to start and stop.  It is the same way with any sin.  Think about it.  What sins have you done in your life?  Would it have been easier to stop if you never started?  Be honest with yourself.  Are you still doing it?  If you are, now is a great time to stop!  Go for it!  Get THAT much closer to the Lord.  When we sin we often feel like Adam and Eve in the Garden.  We want to hide.  We are ashamed. We want space between our self and The Mighty One.  The Omnipotent One. There is no where to hide from Him.

You have people here who will pray for you.  You can email me or leave a comment in the comment section to have even more people pray for you.  You can do this.  He is there with you. What more do you need?  I will stand with you...and be there for you.  I'm not on a stop smoking wagon...although that is a great thing to stop. I am talking about all sin.  Swearing.  Being mean to your spouse.  Adultery.  Jealousy.  Stealing.  You name it.
Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  Let's try to clean up at least one sin each before then.  Handle it completely. Ask forgiveness when necessary.  Go to the Lord and confess your sins.  It is easier when you have someone by your side.  And, you do.  Let's thank Him for that!

If you write me, to stand with you, and send you encouraging email and such...I will do the best I can.  Please let me know clearly, if I may share your problem, without any identity given to the prayer warriors I pray with.  I will not share an identity with them, and I will do it through email, so it will not be posted here or anywhere else.  I promise.  Or I can pray alone, or alone with you.

Have a blessed couple of days.  I hope that I hear from each of you...and I will share what I am going to stop, too.  After all, we are all sinners, and when we sin...we fall short of the Glory of God.  Let's straighten out our act as much as we can, so we can have those wonderful moments with the Lord Jesus!

This could be the best Thanksgiving yet!  Let's have giving this sin up be something that we are grateful to Him for being with us!

He IS Able!
Traci S.

p.s.  Just a reminder that this Challenge has Ended.  There will be a new one soon!

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