Friday, July 29, 2011

I'm Back! And, I have many cards to give-away!

Hi Friends~

WOW, I have missed all of you so very much!!  Thank you for your comments, prayers and good thoughts.  It made such a difference to me, knowing that I was covered in prayer.  Simply covered.  I know that He hears all prayers, and answers them.  He answers them in the way that He thinks is best for us.  I was worried for a bit that I may be leaving this world now...there are things I still want to help accomplish here on earth.  But, that was just a concern.  I was very ill.  I wouldn't have just left the blog for almost a month.  My lungs were very congested, and I am still absolutely exhausted.  I am challenging myself to write the blog today. I thank you for your patience with me while I recover. 

You are amazing people.  My Sisters-in-Christ.  My friends.  I loved how you continued the blog in the comment section.  It was wonderful to see you pray for each other, and share things you have found, or treasured memories with each other. It is what I have hoped for this blog.  It is what I believe He wants for this blog.  For all of us to be a community, and share with each other.  I would love to post your memories and Testimony of love for the Lord, anything about the Lord on this blog.  You will feel a joy so deep when the readers respond to you.  And, an even deeper joy as you realize you are serving the Lord in a way that touches people around the world.  Just email me your "sharings" and I will post it (after I contact you with the date.)  Please think about it. Don't hesitate.  Move forward and share with your Sisters-in-Christ and the non-Believers, who may benefit most by reading it.

I want to share something that was going on with me while I rested...and rested some more...I feel that I asked God to give me a ministry that I could do completely from home.  (Due to my being disabled, I couldn't join church ministries.) And yet, I really felt that I wanted to serve Him.  He blessed me with allowing me to write most of this blog.  He gave me the Mission Statement, and much of the guidance as to what it would offer and when.  And, I felt like I was letting Him down by not keeping up with it for this month.  I know that He knows I was sick (Thank you, Catherine, for pointing this out to me. It really helped.), and He knew what I was capable of and what I wasn't.  And, if He was disappointed by me, or if He saw it as a sin, I have already asked Him for forgiveness...because I feel that I have faulted.  Fortunately, He knows my heart, and forgave me.  I am sure of this.  It says so in His Word. And, is it terrible for a Christian not to want to go to Heaven yet?  I want the time with my husband and son.  I want my grandchildren to know me.  I want to see them come to the Lord as their Savior.  It is sad to think of leaving them, not knowing.  Have you ever felt like you have let God down like this? What do you think about this?  It is a terrible feeling.  He gives so much.  His Faithfulness, love...everything.

I promised when I missed the first post on the 4th, that we would give-away a card for every post I missed due to this illness.  (This occurrence.)  And, we would give-away another card for every "He IS Able Card of the Week" I missed. I figured that would be a small "make-up" for the guests who visit the blog. There are many winners...and many repeat winners.  Before I post the winners I want to tell you that there is a very special post on Monday.  It was given to me by Michele who found it, and sent it to me.  The writer of the post is pleased that we are going to share it here.  So, please come back on Monday. You will love the topic for the week...promise!

OK-on to the card recipients...I am not going to post all of the comments...the post would be a mile long! You are welcome to go back to the post, and look at each comment if you like. It is a blessing, I promise!
Thank you to all of you who wrote one comment or 10! I believe your comments help everyone who reads this encourages all of us. I am so grateful that you took the time to leave a comment. And, I am grateful if you read the post...if there was one, and didn't leave one. I am grateful you are here!

He IS Able Card Give-Aways for the Month of July!
Congratulations go to the following people...

(The number of cards follows their name, after that is the date of the comment they wrote that was randomly chosen.  Please email if I am not clearly explaining these directions.)

Catherine Kraft-4 cards- (7/4, another comment on 7/4,7/5, 7/9)
jcb-2 cards- (7/4,7/17)
Caterina-1 card- (7/20)
Chris Olsen-1 card- (7/?)
Michele-1 card- (7/11)

SeaMom/Mary D.-1 card-(7/18) This was drawn as a "He IS Able Card of the Week!"
Abby-1 card-(7-17) This was drawn as a "He IS Able Card of the Week!"
Catherine Kraft 1 card-(7/15) This was drawn as a"He IS Able Card of the Week!"
Michele-1 card-(7/27) This was drawn as a "He IS Able Card of the Week!"

PLEASE send me your MAILING ADDRESS via email...even if I have it. Please put "blog" as the subject or "He IS Able."  I have been ill a long time, and I have a lot of emails to answer.  This will allow me to get your card out right away. By sending your address, you let me know you want your card(s).  Using it is a great way to share your love of the Lord with others, or share a blessing with someone!  The cards are a blessing to the recipients, and they are for different occasions...birthdays, anniversaries, never know what you will get.  These cards will come with an envelope to send to someone, but not postage, since there are so many at one time!  Please contact me before Tuesday at 8pm, or you will forfeit your card(s), and they will go back in the stash.

We will have a regular drawing for the "He IS Able Card" of the Week on Wednesday, as long as I am up to posting a message.  I am still recovering. I will do my best to be here, to serve Him and you.

"I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers." Philemon 4

He IS Able!
Traci S.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Are you like Mary or Martha? "Precious Women of God--This Includes YOU!"

Hi Friends~

I am happy to let you know that I had the most energy today that I have had in about a month. It's still not a lot, but I am sure I am on the mend.  I am very grateful for all of your prayers and thoughts.  Thank you.  I am hoping to return on Monday, and we can do ALL of the Many Card Give Aways one for each post that ,I missed due to my illness, plus the "He IS Able Card of the Week Drawings!"  That will be a lot of cards given away!  Please be sure to leave a comment before Sunday at 8pm.  (A different time this week.  We will have Wednesday's Give Away on Wednesday!)

Today is the 3rd Friday of the month, and that means it is an extra special day here on the He IS Able blog!  As you may know, Michele writes our Bible Study called, "Precious Women of God--This Includes You!"  I am thrilled with what she wrote this week!  It is thought provoking.  It is informative.  It has Scripture in it.  And, it is life applicable! We certainly hope that you enjoy it, and learn something from it at the same time.  We would love to hear your thoughts or realizations in the comment section.

Martha and Mary by Michele

I read this story and what really hit me personally was the difference between Mary and Martha.  It is such a common occurrence.  Have you heard the phrase "Stop and smell the roses"?  It was one of the best pieces of advice that I got before my wedding-- don't get caught up in the tasks, enjoy what you have--enjoy the day and spend time with your guests, eat the food and enjoy.  I know a wedding and the below story are not the same thing, but I have seen people who get wrapped up in the tasks and lose sight of the fun of a day or miss out because of "tasks" or work that needs to be done.  I understand preparation and work and the importance of it, but missing out is something a lot of us do because of what we think needs to be done--life is a gift our Lord and Savior gave--a gift of spending time with Him is so much more important that tasks or laundry and this applies to us today, too!  We need to look at the bigger picture.

Jesus visited the house of Mary and Martha.  Martha prepared food for the guests; Mary sat and listened to Jesus.

"Now as they went on their way, He entered a certain village,
where a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home.
  She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet
and listened to what He was saying."
Luke 10:38-40

"But Martha was distracted by her many tasks, so she came to Him and asked, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself?  Tell her then to help me." Luke 10:40

 But the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things.  There is need of only one thing. 
 Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her."  Luke 10:41-42

The two women had complementary personalities.  Martha was a doer, a young capable woman who organized and ran a fairly large household.  Mary was a thinker, interested in ideas.  Martha objected to the fact that she had to work while Mary sat and listened.  Jesus said that Mary had made the better choice.

Several points emerge:
  • Mary 'sat and listened'.  This was the usual posture of a disciple of any teacher in the ancient world.  But disciples were usually male, so Mary must have been quietly breaking the rule that reserved study for males, not females.
  •      Her sister, Martha, was not merely asking for help.  She was demanding that Mary keep to the traditional way of behaving.
  •      Jesus was ignoring the traditional role of women, and encouraging Mary to think and learn.  He upheld her right to listen and think about ideas, and to develop her mind.  She should not be limited to the tasks that society laid down for her, but be allowed access to ideas, as Jewish men were.
  •      Jesus had previously encouraged the idea of service among His followers, so He did not say that Martha's role of service was unimportant.  This would have gone against His other teachings.  What He did say was that being a disciple, and learning about the ideas He was explaining, was even more important.
There are days that I feel like Martha and days that I find myself being more like Mary.  I think of what it must have been like to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen and learn, and what a blessing that must have been.  God Almighty made each of us women (and men) with special gifts and abilities, the ministry of helping, teaching, sharing the Gospel, evangelists, missions work, financial support we can give, prayer support--no matter what your gifts are remember you are a precious child of God and use your gifts and abilities to help as many people whenever you can.  There is power in prayer, there is power in obedience to God! There is peace that passes understanding that only God can give us.  No matter where you are today--know that you are a Precious Woman of God--This does Include You!

May God bless you and keep you, and trust and wait on the Lord.

Michele, thank you so much for continuing to write this post for the 3rd Friday of the month!  I can not wait to see who we will be learning and thinking about next month.  I believe that mostly, I am like Martha.  I am a doer.  I need to get things just "so."  There are things to be done, and they should be done right!  I wish that I had a bit more "Mary" in me.  I have very deep thoughts about the world that we live in, and God and His amazing Word and creations, and the people I love, and the people I don't know.  I wish it went deeper still. 

Are you more like Mary or Martha?  Let us know in the comment section.  We would love to hear!  You can also leave prayer requests there...not only will our Prayer Team be praying for you, but our other guests may certainly pray for you also.  You may need to share it more than once, since people don't usually go back and read comments from previous posts.  If you have a confidential request...feel free to email me at with your request. I will share it with Joan, our Prayer Team Leader only.  She and I will both lift you up before the Lord.  And, if you have a few minutes that you can give a day or every other day to pray for your Sisters and Brothers-in-Christ who are a guests of this blog also, or about this blog, please let us know via the email or comment section.  Joan will only give you as many requests as you can handle.  Even if it is one will be a help!  Prayers are answered!  He tells us in His Word.  It is true!  Please join us!  I look forward to hearing from you.

"May the Lord bless and keep you.  May He make His face shine down upon you and be gracious to you."  Numbers 6:24-25

He IS Able!
Traci S.

Monday, July 11, 2011

One of Jesus' Names--- "The Word" And, an update on myself, the comment section and encouraging each other!

Dearest Friends~

I thank each of you for the prayers offered on my behalf, and for all of the people who are sharing from their hearts in the comment section...especially in the last post.  I encourage you to take a look at the prayer requests and sharings that were left for every one's benefit.  If you feel so led, please lift up your Sisters-in-Christ who have left prayer requests.  They are left in the comment section just for this purpose.

Me?  I am about as ill as I was in my last post.  I have a bit more energy...but it is very difficult on top of my regular condition of being disabled.  I am having a great deal of difficulty breathing, and have almost no energy. It feels like when I was in 6th grade and had double pneumonia.  I did not want to go on without leaving you some Good News of the Lord, however.  I do not know when I will be back on the blog.  I will be back Wednesday if I am up to it, and we will do all of the "Card of the Week" Give Aways that I promised.  I promised to do an extra give-away for each post I have missed!  So, be sure to leave comments...I don't know when I will be back, but you are eligible if you have left any type of comment during that week! I just wanted to update you today...make sure you knew about the prayer requests and wonderful sharings of your friends in the comment section in the last post, and in this post to follow, I am sure.

Now, while I can still sit at this computer, let me share a bit from the book
Power in His Name:The Wonderful Names of Our Wonderful Lord.  This book was published by Barbour.  The name I would like to share today is the name when Jesus is called, "The Word."

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God."  John 1:1

This book says the following:

"In John's Gospel we find many titles for the Son of God.  The book of Genesis commences with creation, but John commences with the Creator.  What a foundation for our faith when we know that Jesus was the Word and the Word was God.  If we face this tremendous fact, we can feel the throbbing of our hearts and hear a voice that says, "God!"  As we look upon the heavens and the the clouds, we think "God!"  The sun, moon, the trees, the flowers and all living creatures seem to shout "God!"  Without Him there is nothing.  With Him all things are possible!"

And, they offer this short prayer, please join me:

"Oh, our Living Word, who has given us the written Word, help us to abide in You.  Amen."   And, we all say....AMEN!

Please think on this.  Many times I see God in the majestic mountains, or the clouds where I can see the heat lightning inside of them, or when I see a tiny lady bug, or perhaps in a rose.  I see God in almost everything.  I hope you will take a moment and think about where you see God.  And, list it in the comment section.  Please use this area to pray for each other, list your prayer needs, or share something that He is putting on your heart.  I have often said that this blog belongs to all of us.  And, that we can all be the writers.  With this illness upon me, please take advantage of this opportunity, and encourage each other!  Blessings to all of you!

He IS Able!
Traci S.

p.s.  Feel free, as always to look at the different post titles on the right side of the blog.  This lists all of the post that have been written since this blog started...and find the one's that will minister to your hearts...and enjoy!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Praying You Have a Happy Independence Day...or just a Happy Day!

To Our American Friends,  we wish you a very happy and safe Independence Day!

And, To All of Our Many Other Friends Around the World, we wish you a very happy and safe day!

I apologize there will be no post for at least today.  I am extremely ill, and can barely even sit up on my own.  I am not worried.  My Lord Heals!  He knows my needs!  He knows that a fever, congested lungs, and exhaustion worst than ever before is not one of my desires.  If I am able to sit up long enough to post a blog, I will be here on Wednesday for the "He IS Able Card of the Week Drawing!"

If I do not feel well enough to post on Wednesday...I will post on the first day I can...and we will have DOUBLE CARD OF THE WEEK WINNERS!  That means 2 names will be drawn from anyone who leaves comments on any subject before 8pm on Tuesday!  I will add one extra name for each day after Wednesday that I have not returned.  But, I sure pray I will be better by Wednesday!

I'm OK.  I am just the worst off--sickness wise, I have ever been.  I have been sleeping about 20 hours a day...which Dave tells me is good. I'm glad he was here to make me sugar-free jello, and meatballs, and get my bottled water for me, and kiss my forehead. I am drinking PLENTY of fluids.  Can't read eyes look like they are looking through jello! (I haven't had THAT much of it!)  Dave is really a wonderful man.  I love him so very much.

Praying everyone has a safe holiday...or regular day...which ever it is for you!

He IS Able!
Traci S.

Friday, July 1, 2011

"Cards by Traci" and about StampFest Orlando 2011!

Hi Friends~

I hope that you are all ready to start our 2nd year as a blog, with us.  I would really love for you to become part of the blog if possible.  Share your story, share how you serve Him, or how you have your children serve Him.  Anything about Him...anything about you!  Just email it to me, if you would like to share it on the blog.  Ok?  Ok!

I promised to tell you about StampFest Orlando today...and I have a few cards to share with you, too.  I was VERY excited about what I saw there.  But, I couldn't go last any what I saw may not be all that new.  I was very excited about some of the companies there...I know of them through their DT (Design Team) members.  And, I was a bit sad about some of the companies NOT there...for the same reasons.  You know, you get to be friends with some of the bloggers, and you love their art...and there they are at a show...or not!  Let me show you some of my cards first, and then I will tell you some of the things that I learned and will be sharing here down the road. 

You know I really find the best paper matches by accident much of the time.  The tulip paper and the deep pink paper were stacked touching together in my scrap box of papers.  How could that have happened when I have one box for solid scraps, and a folder for design paper, you may ask?  I tell you, I have no idea...I just cleaned it out!  My Mom let me use her stamp of tulips...I love the image.  I am really starting to see why so many people mat (is that how you spell it?) in black.  It really makes the image pop! I colored a zillion butterflies of different styles...and this one has Stickles on it's wings and body.   I put a "Happy Blessings" sentiment on it...and the outside was done!  Easy!


"The Lord is my light and my Salvation:  Whom shall I fear?"  Psalm 27:1

I like this card.  I made it for the Our Daily Bread Weekly Challenge.  This challenge is due on Thursday nights.  This challenge is due next week.  It is super easy...just use an ODBD stamp on your card.  I wanted to use some of my new toys on this I did.  The bg paper is DCWV-Luxury Stack.  I like it because it reminds me a bit of Heaven...there are even crosses in a row at the very top...which have a little sparkle on them.  I thought that Heaven may have some art pieces of remind us of all He has done for us.  I know this isn't is just in the paper and imagination.  The stamp from ODBD is from their "Light of the World" set.  It is awesome, light houses and Scriptures!  I thought this was pretty cool.  The sun is an embossed Tim Holtz folder called "Rays."  I used the "ink to paper" method that I learned at SplitCoastStampers last week.  (That is when you take 1 or more ink pads and run them across the paper...not on a stamp...but the pad itself. Any questions?  Just let me know. I'll do my best to describe it in detail.)  What was a bit different about this example is that it is raised up, so it grabs the ink differently...making the "rays" of the sun a bit more like they are reflective...not all straight lines.  I used a lot of ink on this one card.  The bottom color was TH (Tim Holtz) Wild Honey Distress Ink.  Then S.E.I.'s "Cumquat" in the middle area...and then Brilliance-Sunflower Yellow towards the top of the sun.  There is Brilliance--Rocket Red for the Scripture!  I have the best little set of phrases and a couple of crosses and a dove...from Inkadinkadoo!  That is where the cross came from.  I tried to heat emboss it with can do!  All brushed off for some reason.  So, I stamped it in Studio G-Silver.  A few times!  That was OK...but didn't give off the glow I think He will I put some Stencil Collection's Hologram Glue over the cross.  I like it.  I think it works.  It's totally a different look from my regular above.  There is one more...

This is Dave's Father's Day card.  It doesn't have a bunch of kids on it or anything like that.  He loves to go out in the woods and spend the day or the night. I made it about something he loves to do.  Our children are all it was more of a thank you card for his being a wonderful father to our "kids."   He loves to go on hikes, and bring a book to read and just be alone with the trees.  I used SU! white glossy paper for this card. And, the first thing I did was heat emboss the tree image with black embossing powder.  I let it cool, and then I started doing the "ink to paper" technique that I mentioned briefly above. You just move the ink pad straight over the cool embossed section.  Dave isn't into bling.  He likes the simple, but beautiful things in life.  So, I made the most CAS card I think I could.  CAS?  Clean and Simple.  I used the 3 colors but I think it should have gone with the darkest color first, and then the middle color, and then an orange-red.  OR, that the lines should have gone a sunset or sunrise.  What do you think?  How would you have placed the color on the card...if you used this super easy technique?  You could probably whip out 50 cards similar to this in a day if you needed to...keep that in mind, you never know.

So, what did I see at StampFest Orlando 2011...  I am not going to show you photos of their work...I don't have permission.  But, I am going to show you how to make an incredibly simple, super-bling flower that doesn't look so over the top...SOON!  And, I learned how to really get the best benefit from Tim Holtz distress inks.  Seriously, you could spend a whole day on how to use them in different ways.  I learned how to make very cool looking tags...and it was really quite simple.  It's all a matter of knowing the ways to use what you probably already have!  The FAVORITE thing I learned how to do would have looked the most difficult if I didn't watch her make it.  I learned how to make an ATC (Artist Trading Card) which are small.  Smaller than most average size tags.  And, you make them with napkins as the main objects!!  Of course, I had to buy the ATC cards, the glossy adhesive, and a stack of assorted occasion napkins!  I didn't need to buy the paints though...that saved me $20 on I bought more stamps!

It was very exciting meeting my fellow Blog-Woman...Gerrie.  She is the brains, humor and lots of talent behind the "Queen of Grunge" blog.  If you like the "Wizard of Oz" you will love her blog.  If you like punny writing, you will love her blog.  If you like the most unique, interesting, great will love her blog!  And, she did NOT pay me to say this!
(I was just being silly. We do not take any money from anyone to say or do anything on this blog.)

I'd say that my favorite booth was probably, or at least really possibly the Stampers Anonymous Booth...which had so much Tim Holtz stuff in it.  And, it was a huge booth.  I bought some game spinners I have been looking for, some special sponge holders he has...that are you can just swap out the sponges when switching colors...ingenious! I wish I realized that while I was there!  I would have bought a zillion of the sponges!  I don't recall what else I bought at that booth.  It was fun.  It was hot.  It was crowded.  And, I spent my money way to fast.  I even started out by writing down what things I wanted and the price and vendor on paper when we started.  I was not going to spend any money until I saw everything.  Usually, I run out by the end.  And, usually, I start at the end of the room...everyone goes to the front of the show first.  (There's a trick for you!  It was learned from years of going to Disney Attractions.)  Well, my plan lasted me 2 booths!  My list was history!  And, my fun began.  Keep your eyes here, because you are going to see some wonderful techniques and stamps used!

Praying you will have a wonderful weekend!  Oh, Our Daily Bread Designs is sharing it's new stamps today!  Their link is located on the right side of the blog.  They usually have a wonderful blog hop for stamps!  I'm heading there to see what they have!  Thanks for spending some time with me today.  Monday, we will be hearing a tiny bit about the Beautitudes!

He IS Able,
Traci S.