Friday, July 29, 2011

I'm Back! And, I have many cards to give-away!

Hi Friends~

WOW, I have missed all of you so very much!!  Thank you for your comments, prayers and good thoughts.  It made such a difference to me, knowing that I was covered in prayer.  Simply covered.  I know that He hears all prayers, and answers them.  He answers them in the way that He thinks is best for us.  I was worried for a bit that I may be leaving this world now...there are things I still want to help accomplish here on earth.  But, that was just a concern.  I was very ill.  I wouldn't have just left the blog for almost a month.  My lungs were very congested, and I am still absolutely exhausted.  I am challenging myself to write the blog today. I thank you for your patience with me while I recover. 

You are amazing people.  My Sisters-in-Christ.  My friends.  I loved how you continued the blog in the comment section.  It was wonderful to see you pray for each other, and share things you have found, or treasured memories with each other. It is what I have hoped for this blog.  It is what I believe He wants for this blog.  For all of us to be a community, and share with each other.  I would love to post your memories and Testimony of love for the Lord, anything about the Lord on this blog.  You will feel a joy so deep when the readers respond to you.  And, an even deeper joy as you realize you are serving the Lord in a way that touches people around the world.  Just email me your "sharings" and I will post it (after I contact you with the date.)  Please think about it. Don't hesitate.  Move forward and share with your Sisters-in-Christ and the non-Believers, who may benefit most by reading it.

I want to share something that was going on with me while I rested...and rested some more...I feel that I asked God to give me a ministry that I could do completely from home.  (Due to my being disabled, I couldn't join church ministries.) And yet, I really felt that I wanted to serve Him.  He blessed me with allowing me to write most of this blog.  He gave me the Mission Statement, and much of the guidance as to what it would offer and when.  And, I felt like I was letting Him down by not keeping up with it for this month.  I know that He knows I was sick (Thank you, Catherine, for pointing this out to me. It really helped.), and He knew what I was capable of and what I wasn't.  And, if He was disappointed by me, or if He saw it as a sin, I have already asked Him for forgiveness...because I feel that I have faulted.  Fortunately, He knows my heart, and forgave me.  I am sure of this.  It says so in His Word. And, is it terrible for a Christian not to want to go to Heaven yet?  I want the time with my husband and son.  I want my grandchildren to know me.  I want to see them come to the Lord as their Savior.  It is sad to think of leaving them, not knowing.  Have you ever felt like you have let God down like this? What do you think about this?  It is a terrible feeling.  He gives so much.  His Faithfulness, love...everything.

I promised when I missed the first post on the 4th, that we would give-away a card for every post I missed due to this illness.  (This occurrence.)  And, we would give-away another card for every "He IS Able Card of the Week" I missed. I figured that would be a small "make-up" for the guests who visit the blog. There are many winners...and many repeat winners.  Before I post the winners I want to tell you that there is a very special post on Monday.  It was given to me by Michele who found it, and sent it to me.  The writer of the post is pleased that we are going to share it here.  So, please come back on Monday. You will love the topic for the week...promise!

OK-on to the card recipients...I am not going to post all of the comments...the post would be a mile long! You are welcome to go back to the post, and look at each comment if you like. It is a blessing, I promise!
Thank you to all of you who wrote one comment or 10! I believe your comments help everyone who reads this encourages all of us. I am so grateful that you took the time to leave a comment. And, I am grateful if you read the post...if there was one, and didn't leave one. I am grateful you are here!

He IS Able Card Give-Aways for the Month of July!
Congratulations go to the following people...

(The number of cards follows their name, after that is the date of the comment they wrote that was randomly chosen.  Please email if I am not clearly explaining these directions.)

Catherine Kraft-4 cards- (7/4, another comment on 7/4,7/5, 7/9)
jcb-2 cards- (7/4,7/17)
Caterina-1 card- (7/20)
Chris Olsen-1 card- (7/?)
Michele-1 card- (7/11)

SeaMom/Mary D.-1 card-(7/18) This was drawn as a "He IS Able Card of the Week!"
Abby-1 card-(7-17) This was drawn as a "He IS Able Card of the Week!"
Catherine Kraft 1 card-(7/15) This was drawn as a"He IS Able Card of the Week!"
Michele-1 card-(7/27) This was drawn as a "He IS Able Card of the Week!"

PLEASE send me your MAILING ADDRESS via email...even if I have it. Please put "blog" as the subject or "He IS Able."  I have been ill a long time, and I have a lot of emails to answer.  This will allow me to get your card out right away. By sending your address, you let me know you want your card(s).  Using it is a great way to share your love of the Lord with others, or share a blessing with someone!  The cards are a blessing to the recipients, and they are for different occasions...birthdays, anniversaries, never know what you will get.  These cards will come with an envelope to send to someone, but not postage, since there are so many at one time!  Please contact me before Tuesday at 8pm, or you will forfeit your card(s), and they will go back in the stash.

We will have a regular drawing for the "He IS Able Card" of the Week on Wednesday, as long as I am up to posting a message.  I am still recovering. I will do my best to be here, to serve Him and you.

"I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers." Philemon 4

He IS Able!
Traci S.


  1. Traci- God is very aware that you are ill. We as Christians know and feel His love. HE is our father. He accepts us unconditionally. I have doubts about my relationship with God. Whenever I feel like this I just pray for understanding and knowledge. God knows our heart and thoughts.
    Take care of yourself. Please don't push yourself too much. Your health is very important to God and me.
    Take care my friend. May God send His healing and comfort.

  2. Praise God! I am not sure if my comment worked, but please know you can not let God down, you are not the one holding him up he is holding us all up! He knows the desires of your heart and he knows that with all your going through you are still pushing to do his work. Sistah, go easier on yourself!! He loves you and so do we! I love that song "he is jealous for me, loves like a hurricane" that's a massive love!! He loves you and all of us!! Wants you, and uses you what a blessing!!! Your human, don't worry about a thing and reach out when you need help!! Or help in a different way. Michele G


Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts, ideas,prayer requests and comments! We love to read them all! And, if you had a prayer request, the Prayer Team will begin praying for your needs today. God Bless!