Tuesday, May 29, 2012

...For Theirs Is the Kingdom of Heaven

Hi Friends~

Thank you for your well wishes on Joshua's recent visit home.  I hope each of you had a special weekend full of prayer time with the Lord.  I tell you what--since Josh has joined the Air Force, my prayer time has at least quadrupled!

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."
(Matthew 5:3)

Last week I was sharing an article from the Discipleship Journal, Nov./Dec. 2003.  This article was written by David W. Henderson.  I shared the part of the article that spoke about being "poor in spirit." I thought it was very insightful, and if you haven't had a chance to read it, I hope you will skip down to the post that is 2 spots down and read it. Today we will read about the second part of that Scripture, which is, "for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."

We ended the first section with 2 Corinthians 3:5:  "It is not that we think we can do anything of lasting value by ourselves.  Our only power and success come from God."  Do I hear an "Amen" out there?  I will be quoting excerpts from this article.  We left off with...

"Coming up short and knowing it: that is what it means to be poor.  And that's what God wants us to see.  I have, I am nothing."

 OK--that is where we left off, and some of you left some very interesting comments to get us thinking about our own state of heart.  Thank you for that.

Today we are moving on to talk about:

The Super-Abundance of God

"A second recognition must join the first:  God has, God IS, everything.  We must see our poverty against His plenty.  God delights to bring us to the end of ourselves, to expose our deficiency, that His sufficiency might show forth.  For instance, when half a country ambled hungrily about the hillside, the disciples brought the problem to Jesus.  (Luke 9:12-13)

Jesus:  You feed them.
Disciples:  Impossible.  We have only five loaves and two fish.
Jesus:  Now you're talking.

Not until the disciples saw their limited resources for what they really were did Jesus go into the fast-food business, taking their little and multiplying it such that "all ate and were satisfied."  (Luke 9:17)

Scripture is replete with promises of the superabundance of God:  His grace sufficient for our every frailty.  (2 Corinthians 12:9);  His wisdom adequate for our every perplexity (Jas. 1:5); His peace ample for our every anxiety (Phil. 4:6-7); His forgiveness equal to our every iniquity (1 Jn. 1:9).  God IS enough!  (Praise His Holy Name for that, shall we?  He is enough for all of our circumstances.  He is MORE than enough for all of our circumstances!  Amen?  Amen!)

We begin to comprehend what Jesus meant when He promised His followers, "All I have is yours." (Jn. 17:10) 

 There's just one catch.  Only one occupation exists in the Kingdom of God: beggar.  The white clothes with which Jesus dresses us are beggar's robes.  To the beggar alone the cupboards, the pantries, the warehouses of God are thrown open wide.

For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."


Wow!  That gave me a lot to think about.  What about you?  If you want to share more than a comment's worth about any of the Beatitudes, feel free to let me know.  You just send me an email with what you know about one of them, and I will share it...if it is Biblically correct of course!

Next week we will be reading a section by Larry Libby.  He has written many articles in this Journal, and I love what he has to say.  He will be sharing about this Beatitude:  "Blessed are those who MOURN, for they will be COMFORTED." (Matthew 5:4)  A very difficult topic for this formerly Jewish--- now Christian woman.

I look forward to reading your comments on today's piece.  I can't wait to continue through these Beatitudes.  There is so much good information here.  I will see you on Thursday, when 2 winners will win He IS Able Card Sets of the Week.  Just leave your comment before midnight on Tuesday to be eligible.  I can not afford international postage...so this is for people with an address in the United States.  Perhaps a friend or relative who live here would be willing to mail them to you?  We are SO very glad you are here.  Anyone can leave their comment on any thought. 

If you enjoy this blog.  Please consider signing up as a Google "Blog Follower."  The more people signed up...the more who will learn about the Bible, Jesus, and our lives with Him as our Lord and Savior.  Thank you for taking this step to show others you like this blog.  (Yes, use a user name or a "fake name."  God Bless!

He IS Able!
Traci Starkweather

1 comment:

  1. I am often still amazed at God's Super Abundance and to what extreme He is willing to share with His children. Share everything with His children. When Dave was unemployed last year it really became apparent to me (Again) that He would supply for all of our needs. Not all of our wants...although He gave us some of those, too...but our needs. I will be forever grateful that He opened my eyes from being sealed and allowed me to see Him...to see the Truth. I tell you, I had no idea how "off base" I was, until He allowed me to see it! I praise Him for this every day!

    I am Praying for all of you who have asked for it, and for those of you who haven't. He knows your situations and your needs.

    He IS Able!
    Traci S.


Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts, ideas,prayer requests and comments! We love to read them all! And, if you had a prayer request, the Prayer Team will begin praying for your needs today. God Bless!