Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Friday Everyone~

Hello again~

Super quick message today. Can you believe I have only had the chance to make (1) ONE card this whole week?!  So true!  So, I am going to wait until next week to show it with some others. 

I pray that you will all have a wonderful weekend, with people you love, and
who love you back!

I have spent most of this week letting all of you know about our
newest challenge!  Our Blog Candy Extravaganza!  Please check out
Monday or Wednesday's post, as they both contain the information!

And, please help spread the word of the blog candy around.  It is there as an
appreciation of all of you.  It also serves to bring others to this blog, so that
they can learn of the Lord's Love for us, His Word, and all about His Gift of Salvation.  This is the perfect opportunity to invite non-Christians.  Have them
read Monday the 20th's post.  You never know what will lead to someone
giving their life to the Lord!  Praise Him for those amazing days!

He IS Able!
Traci S.


  1. Happy late Friday to you! Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Hi Tracy! Thank you for ALL you wonderful comments. Wow! Do you know that I am a messianic Jew? I am reading through your stories and am going wow wow wow!!!! serendipity!! xox mwah! LOVING GOD, Samara


Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts, ideas,prayer requests and comments! We love to read them all! And, if you had a prayer request, the Prayer Team will begin praying for your needs today. God Bless!